U.S. WIN Quarterly Email

News & Events

“Nuclear for the climate” is the key to the WiN Global 2021 program. We are calling on all negotiators and policy makers who are involved at COP26 to take a scientific and technology neutral approach to energy policy and financing which can promote sustainable collaboration between nuclear and renewables.

Sign the #NetZeroNeedsNuclear​ petition today!

Most Reactive Chapter Contest
The U.S. WIN Communications Committee sponsors a contest between U.S. WIN chapters to encourage outreach activities during the annual National Nuclear Science Week (NSW). Chapters are judged on the number of activities held during NSW, number of participating U.S. WIN members, number of individuals and public sectors (K-12, civic, government, etc.) reached, and the variety of topics covered.

Participating chapters should complete the NSW Chapter Entry Form and submit to USWINCommComm@gmail.com by November 30, 2021.

2021 Award Winners

Congratulations to our 2021 Award Winners, recognized at the U.S. WIN conference!

Large Chapters:
Overall Excellence: TVA
Networking: GE Hitachi
Professional Development: Duke
Public Outreach: Westinghouse – Pittsburgh

Medium Chapters:
Overall Excellence: Innsbrook
Networking: Ginna
Professional Development: Peach Bottom
Public Outreach: Braidwood

Small Chapters:
Overall Excellence: PSEG
Networking: Farley
Professional Development: Jensen Hughes
Public Outreach: Callaway

Student Chapters:
Overall Excellence: University of Michigan

U.S. WIN Leadership Award:
Maria Lacal, Chief Nuclear Officer, Arizona Public Service

The WINning Edge
The Benefits of Mentoring – Two Employees Selected to Participate in the U.S. WIN Mentoring Pilot Program

“Kristine Darling wants to learn from others. Denise Brandon wants to share what she knows with others.

Those traits made them each perfect candidates for the U.S. WIN Mentoring program, which is in a pilot phase this year…”

And the Nominees Are…Up to You!

“Once again, it’s time to consider your fellow U.S. WIN members with an eye toward recognizing excellence. Nominations are now open for the 2022 U.S. WIN Leadership Award.”

NEXT21: The NukeBosses

“After a year of intensive introspection, personal coaching, and professional development opportunities, twelve of the nuclear industry’s brightest leaders have grown into their unique leadership personae and are prepared to pave paths for the next generation of women in the nuclear industry.”



Outreach Library
Outreach Webinar: Building Trust Online
This webinar explains why it is important to engage with people over the internet about nuclear, and how it can be done in a thoughtful and productive manner. Listeners learn that building trust online is a powerful way to help protect the future of the nuclear industry.

Professional Development Library
Mentoring Moments developed by the 2020 NEXT class

Development and Growth Toolkit developed by 2019 NEXT class

U.S. WIN Website Feature
Has your chapter done something recently that you would like to share with other U.S. WIN chapters? Do you have an upcoming event that you would like to promote? If you said yes, then please submit your story to The WINning Edge!

Prior to the 2018 website revamp, Comm Comm published the U.S. WIN newsletter quarterly. With the updated website came an updated newsletter format — The WINning Edge became a blog. Comm Comm members review all submitted articles as they come in and publish to the website as soon as they’re approved. We love sharing interesting, fun, inspirational stories about U.S. WIN chapters and our membership loves to read them, so don’t be shy! Send us your news!

* You must be logged in to the website to visit the submission page. Any time you spend crafting your article also counts as Professional Development time in your chapter’s metrics

Metrics Committee
Your 3rd quarter metrics were due October 30th! Each quarter, your chapter’s metrics needs to be submitted on time to be eligible for the 2022 Chapter Excellence Awards.

For more information on how to submit your metrics, please visit the Metrics Committee page underneath the Committees tab on the website.

Awards and Recognition Committee
The Awards and Recognition (A&R) Committee wants your nominations for the U.S. WIN Leadership Award. Applications are being accepted until December 15, 2021. Please remember this is not a life-time achievement award. Any U.S. WIN Member is eligible!

The A&R Committee is also proud to announce that we are working on a U.S. WIN Champion Award. The A&R Committee has developed the process and criteria, and await the Steering Committee’s approval. Be on the lookout for an announcement in early 2022!

Professional Development Committee
Highlights from the Professional Development Committee’s August 31st kick-off meeting:

Tammera Baker of APS/Palo Verde assumed the position of Committee Chair and Price Collins of Exelon was elected as Vice Chair during the kick-off meeting.
Names were solicited for other Sub-Committee positions and elections for those positions will be held during a future meeting.
The next meeting was scheduled for October 28th.

Mentoring Sub-Committee

Throughout September, each member of the Mentoring Sub-Committee touched based with the 18 mentor/mentee pairings to provide tools and resources and follow-up regarding coordination of monthly meetings and development of mentee goals.

Audio from the Mentoring Pilot Program Kick-off are available in the U.S. WIN Professional Development Library.

Next steps are:

Work with Comm-Comm to develop a YouTube video of the Program Kick-off and an “About Us” section on the U.S. WIN website
Capture lessons learned from the Program Kick-off
Prepare for the December General Session
Submit a 4th quarter article to WINning Edge

Leading Group Notes
Meeting notes for the July leading group call have been posted on the website. A few highlights from the October leading group call:

  • Save the date! U.S. WIN Conference will be July 25 – 27, 2022 in Richmond, VA.
  • The DEI Working Group is looking at how DEI efforts/practices could be reported effectively by chapter through the quarterly metrics.
  • Region I is hosting a workshop on December 2, 2021 that will feature a presentation on Psychological Safety.
  • Region III is looking for volunteers for their coordinator position and their member-at-large representative.
  • Region IV has canceled their 2021 region conference.
    Read More: Leading Group notes