The U.S. WIN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative was born in conjunction with the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), and various executive sponsors from across the nuclear industry. This initiative is committed to extending the nuclear industry’s culture of excellence to the effort to build a diverse and inclusive workforce. This initiative is made up of the executive sponsors and oversight committee, the U.S. WIN DEI Steering Committee, and the DEI Working Group.
Executive Sponsors and Oversight Committee is composed of industry executives who support the U.S. WIN DEI Initiative, providing strategic advice to the U.S. WIN DEI Steering Committee and advocating for the initiative in the nuclear industry. The U.S. WIN DEI Steering Committee consists of U.S. WIN members, INPO and NEI focused on facilitating, leading, and supporting the development of strategic initiatives for submittal and approval by the Working Group.
Lastly, the DEI Peer Group/Working Group is comprised of DEI representatives and industry peers share lessons learned, best practices, and gaps in current DEI. The group is also working on developing a resource library, and a method to collect metrics to track DEI progress. This past quarter, the working group has made progress toward developing this submission library, similar to the current U.S. WIN Outreach and Professional Development Libraries, coming soon on the U.S. WIN DEI Website. The working group encourages members to submit any DEI resources, event idea, speaker, etc, to this library when available. The group is also currently working to develop methods to collect and track metric related to DEI, and ensuring the upcoming national conference is accessible for all attending WIN members.