The U.S. WIN Communications Committee has had a busy year in our efforts to connect members to the national organization and to reach out to the public in general.
A large part of our focus this year was on Instagram. We transitioned ownership of the @nukeboss_uswin Instagram account from NEXT21 to Comm Comm, with much guidance from Susan Baier and Heather Winn. We have continued sharing content on that account focused on mentoring and professional development of our members. We also launched the @uswomeninnuclear Instagram account, which focuses more on enhancing the public understanding of nuclear technology. We have a small team focused on these efforts and would love to bring on more volunteers to post on Instagram.
We also continued our special projects designed to highlight the unique voice of women in the industry. We launched our “Ask a Professional” series on YouTube, and we have continued doing member spotlights, Twitter “Day-in-the-Life” Takeovers, outreach webinars, and the Most Reactive Chapter contest. Details of those activities can be found throughout our articles in the WINning Edge.
As always, our social media teams have done a great job reaching out to our members, our partners, and the public online. A particular success story has been our LinkedIn group (U.S. Women in Nuclear), which has grown dramatically over the past year. We have always envisioned this group as a place for U.S. WIN members to share ideas, to share job postings, and to have conservations about their chapters and the national organization. Over the last year, we have cheered as group members started posting and making comments without Comm Comm’s initiation. As of last month, we had over 800 active members in the group, and we highly encourage both chapters and members-at-large to continue using this resource.
Finally, we have continued maintenance of this website. Please let us know if you see opportunities for improvement, and please update your member profile once a year to make sure other members can reach you through the member directory. Since your contact information is kept private in the membership directory, other members will not be able to view your email address. Therefore, we encourage you to add your LinkedIn information to your profile’s “Tell us a bit about yourself” field. While there, add a little bit about your work experience. This will help other U.S. WIN members looking for network connections or mentors when searching the membership directory.
We would also love to know what your chapter has been up to! Please keep in touch, and please share your chapter activities by submitting newsletter articles and outreach library events. We have requested that all the national initiatives and committees submit quarterly updates to the WINning Edge, so visit anytime to read the latest on U.S. WIN activities!