Elizabeth Roell from @ConstellationEG’s Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station here! Throughout the day, I will be sharing a typical work day for me at the station, along with some of my career highlights from the past 17 years! @CEGCleanEnergy
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
Peach Bottom is located on the beautiful Susquehanna River, north of @ConowingoDam. PB U1 was an experimental helium-cooled, graphite-moderated reactor (1966-1974), now a training center. U2 & U3 went online in 1974 and can generate 2,770 MW of zero-carbon power. @CEGCleanEnergy pic.twitter.com/jXSP2Thm1O
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
The morning starts with an in-person All-Hands meeting led by our Site VP & Plant Manager. Safety was a major topic today & is at the forefront of everything we do. The EnergyWheel prize drawing with Safety Steve adds a little extra incentive to ensuring safe ops. #dayinthelife pic.twitter.com/7B4SE2pTfN
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
It’s “Outage Thursday” here at PB! All our outage-related meetings are held today. First, I lead Outage Scope Control Committee, where we review recent condition reports & industry initiatives to determine what work needs to be added or removed from outage scope #dayinthelife pic.twitter.com/flCEeNpNto
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
#TBT to one of my favorite roles at PB: Mgr of Component Maintenance Optimization. We performed thermography, ferrography, vibration analysis, acoustics & motor testing on major station equipment. Here we are at Community Info night in 2016 demonstrating thermography equipment! pic.twitter.com/iYTybzDTjB
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
At 1100 we held our weekly Outage Readiness Mtg, where we review outage critical path, top readiness concerns and all station departments report out on the status of their pre-outage preparation. I report out on pending scope changes and scope stability #dayinthelife pic.twitter.com/QIMhz4Noyo
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
#TBT to my time in Design Engineering – I started on the Eng Response Team & earned my Design Eng quals on a mod where I designed restricting orifices to replace ball valves on an oil line for the High-Pressure Coolant Injection system! @CEGCleanEnergy
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
Quick change to walkdown a valve on an important plant system (discussed at OSCC), to determine if it should be part of P3R24 refueling outage scope! See, outage schedulers DO go into the field! #dayinthelife @CEGCleanEnergy pic.twitter.com/OxcZKmvuWP
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
Refueling outages at a #nuclear plant are carefully choreographed to achieve the maximum amount of maintenance & upgrades with available resources. Outage schedulers classify work into system windows, levelize personnel resources and determine critical path based on work scope.
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
This video from our friends at @EnergyNorthwest (Columbia Generating Station) has clips of the refuel floor during an outage! The refuel floor outage schedule accounts for fuel movement, in-vessel inspections & replacement of nuclear instrumentation. https://t.co/5l96jk27OJ
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
Now I am working on the Refuel Floor schedule for our Fall 2023 outage by incorporating changes from yesterday’s team meeting with Reactor Services. The Refuel Floor is almost always Critical Path, so we must execute our schedule flawlessly! #dayinthelife @CEGCleanEnergy pic.twitter.com/5erFEnxirB
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
In 2021, Peach Bottom was proud to achieve the World Record for Shortest Outage Duration in the nuclear industry, at 12 days, 14 hours, w/ zero OSHA’s & our lowest-ever radiation dose! It’s a testament to the dedication of our station employees & contractors! @CEGCleanEnergy
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
I just walked by a conference room full of #WomenInNuclear discussing Excellence in Performance Improvement! It’s so wonderful to see these leaders in action! #dayinthelife @CEGCleanEnergy pic.twitter.com/r9gBDwrGZc
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
Interested in my career progression from Design Engineering to Outage Scheduling? Check out this video to learn more about the roles I’ve taken on at the station! @CEGCleanEnergy pic.twitter.com/TOPYB8WuVu
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
Personal Story: I just returned to the station after remote work for 2 years, during which I moved to the PNW, got married & started a family. I am blessed that my role in Outage Mgmt allowed such flexibility in my personal life. It’s nice to be back in-person with my coworkers!
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023
The best part of my day is getting hugs from my baby girl! Thank you for spending the day with me today and thank you to US WIN for this platform! It’s been wonderful sharing my love for the #nuclear industry with everyone on Twitter! pic.twitter.com/UaadRVdtOJ
— U.S. WIN (@WomenInNuclear) March 16, 2023