We all know someone who fits the bill – a leader who embodies the strategic objectives of U.S. WIN. They advocate for your Chapter and for nuclear in the community. They have supported and empowered the women in your Chapter.
You might be overwhelmed by the 500 words needed for the Leadership Award or Champion Award applications. As an engineer I can relate; it’s sometimes difficult to get the words to flow – like now trying to write this article. What does 500 words look like? A 500-word count will create about 1 page with single spacing or 2 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size. So where to start?
First, introduce the nominee to the committee. Are they active in your Chapter? Or perhaps they are more behind-the-scenes rather than hands-on active? How did they get started in your Chapter? Are they active at the National level? Think about the organization needed to show the committee how the nominee meets the award nomination criteria.
Next, write out the four criteria and start filling in short-word examples of how the nominee has demonstrated each criterion. Once you have a list of examples, you can circle back and expand on the details.
Close by pulling it all together. We love hearing about how the nominee’s actions have impacted the nominators and their Chapter. Reach out to other members to help fill in any sparse areas. If you’ve felt the nominee’s impact, then surely others have too.
Gather all the information together and submit the application by December 15th. The committee looks forward to reading about your awesome Champion or Leader. And we look forward to the difficult task of selecting just one for each as the new WINner.