Most Reactive Chapter Contest Winner 2023

Congratulations to Entergy!

The U.S. WIN Communications Committee sponsors a contest between U.S. WIN chapters to encourage outreach activities during the annual National Nuclear Science Week (NSW). The Chapters are judged on the number of activities held during NSW, number of participating U.S. WIN members, number of individuals and public sectors (K-12, civic, government, etc.) reached, and the variety of topics covered.


There were TEN entries this year: Birmingham SNC, DC WIN, Duke Energy, Entergy, GEH WIN, Millstone, NextEra, NNL-NRF, Westinghouse Shoreview, and Westinghouse Pittsburgh. These chapters reached approximately 3,000 individuals who experienced various nuclear science topics via discussions, presentations, virtual platforms, and on-campus outreach booths. This doesn’t even cover those we couldn’t capture through social media interactions! 


From these submissions, the Entergy chapter was selected as the 2023 contest winner!


Thank you to all the participating chapters for your efforts to bring the message about nuclear and radiation out to so many! Visit the Most Reactive Chapter Contest page for more information and a list of previous winners.


The Entergy WIN chapter at the 2023 U.S. WIN Conference in Scottsdale, AZ.