Reminder: Q3 Metrics Due Date Approaching

Submit by October 31, 2024

Metrics for events between July 1 and September 30 (Q3) will be due by October 31. This will be a hard deadline. While the new forms are not ready yet, the Metrics Committee recommends that you keep track of your chapter activities. The following details should enable a smooth process once the new forms are available. Note: you do not need to track hours anymore.

  • Date of activity or event
  • Title of activity or event
  • Number of U.S. WIN members that participated
  • Who the audience was for the event
  • Number of public that attended
  • Description of the event for validation & awards consideration

Each quarter, your chapter’s metrics must be submitted on time to qualify for the Chapter Excellence Awards. Please note that submitting a blank form is sufficient to keep the chapter in good standing for awards. If your metrics contact has changed for your site, please notify the Metrics Committee at

For more information on how to submit your metrics, please visit the Metrics Committee page. Click here to learn about this year’s winners.