U.S. WIN Professional Development Week Webinar Videos

Videos available on U.S. WIN’s YouTube channel!

Did you miss the U.S. WIN Professional Development Week’s Webinars in November 2024?


Watch the videos below!


Strategy vs. Tactics – Maximize Your Leadership Potential Through Strategic Thinking

Strategic and Tactical Thinking are complementary skills that help corporations and individuals achieve their goals. It is important to understand how they each shape the planning and execution of work at different levels in the organization. Strategic Thinking is crucial for organizational success as it takes a long-term perspective to ensure that decisions and actions contribute to long-term growth and stability. Tactical Thinking, on the other hand, emphasizes short-term goals and immediate actions by translating that long term vision into strategic plans. This webinar highlights the differences between Strategy and Tactics, introduces essential aspects of Strategic Thinking and provide practical tools and methods to use and demonstrate strategic thinking effectively.


Words to Use, Words to Lose

As the nuclear energy industry continues to evolve, so too does the language we use.
Join NEI Communications as they present new research on messaging that drives public support for nuclear energy. Gain insights into which words resonate best and which to avoid. Participants will also learn which messaging strategies are most effective in addressing topics like aging management, cost, and more.
This research, conducted by NEI in collaboration with Maslansky + Partners, is grounded in data-driven insights to optimize engagement and public perception. In addition to unveiling the new messaging framework, NEI will provide practical tools and resources to strengthen your nuclear advocacy efforts.


Navigating Your Career Path

The purpose of this panel discussion is to explore common development questions, priorities, and perspectives from the variety of mile markers we experience along the route of our career journey. From student interns to first line leaders to department managers and beyond, join us for this engaging 90-minute panel discussion to explore development from the panelists’ unique vantage point along their career path. An opportunity to learn from each other as well as share your own perspective and best practices, this panel discussion will provide you with insight, community, and tools for your unique mile marker along your personal career path.