Goodbye 2020

This message was originally sent as an email to U.S. WIN members on December 31, 2021.

A look back on U.S. WIN’s 2020 and where we are going in 2021

A message from the U.S. WIN Chair, 

2020! What a year we’ve had!

The pandemic did not deter U.S. WIN’s efforts in continuing to meet the organization’s objectives. The key initiatives undertaken by U.S. WIN exceeded expectations in delivering to our members in these unprecedented times:

  1. The pilot Leadership Cohort Program transitioned into a permanent U.S. WIN led program. It was named NEXT – “Nuclear Executives of Tomorrow”. The program is well on its way with 58% of the alumni being promoted into the executive ranks, thereby meeting the main objective of closing the gender gap in the executive ranks in the nuclear industry. The first official NEXT session kicked off in July with 12 phenomenal future executives.
  2. U.S. WIN led and co-signed a memorandum of understanding between ANS, NEI and NAYGN. The MOU will allow better collaboration, leverage each organization’s strengths, drive nuclear advocacy, and facilitate sharing of best practices in our industry.
  3. The national conference was conducted virtually, and it was a huge success showcasing the creativity and accomplishments of the U.S. WIN chapters in executing on the organizations’ objectives
  4. We increased the EAC membership from 9 to 12 to include utility, supplier and laboratories’ leadership. We increased touchpoints with the NSIAC and INPO and increased the visibility of U.S. WIN’s initiatives and the value provided to the nuclear industry.

I am proud of U.S. WIN’s accomplishments in 2020.  I am proud of the members and local chapters for ensuring during these difficult times, not losing sight of our objectives, providing relevant programs, and supporting each other.

Thank you for all you do.  I look forward to seeing you in the New Year! May 2021 bring you happiness, health and prosperity!

Jhansi, Chair of U.S. WIN

“2020 has been, and continues to be, an unprecedented year with our global community experiencing difficulties and hardships due to the pandemic. Yet we have also seen solidarity, persistence, creativity, and innovation flourish, and we are proud to be with each and every one of our members, friends, and supporters.”

Women in Nuclear Global

Committee Reports

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is proud of how the U.S. WIN chapters stepped up to the plate in 2020 and supported the virtual awards ceremony at this past year’s conference. Not only did all the chapter award winners submit amazing videos, but we greatly appreciate their flexibility and collaboration in light of the many changes made due to the pandemic. The Awards committee is working with the Metrics Committee to get ready for next year’s Awards Ceremony. We look forward to a productive 2021 and celebrating all the hard work our U.S. WIN members put in to make this organization a success.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee made a commitment this year to enhance virtual communications with U.S. WIN members in response to the pandemic. We launched the U.S. Women in Nuclear YouTube channel, where we shared videos from chapters like DC WIN, to support online engagement and public outreach. We also launched the U.S. WIN Member Spotlight initiative published in the WINning Edge newsletter. In 2020 we featured two members – Jhansi Kandasamy and Kelly Ferneau – and we are hoping to bring you monthly Member Spotlights in 2021. As always, you can reach us through the U.S. WIN website and our social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter). Please keep in touch, and please share your virtual chapter activities by submitting newsletter articles and outreach library events.

Metrics Committee

As the year closes, so does another metrics’ reporting year. Thank you all for a great year. It is rewarding to see all of the positive contributions U.S. WIN makes in our local, regional and national communities.

As a reminder. Please submit your metrics for 4Q 2020 by January 30, 2021.  Metrics are U.S. WIN’s core way to demonstrate WIN’s successes to sponsors and each of your chapter’s organizations. We also use the data in strategic analysis and planning. It is important for you to submit the metrics form, even if your chapter has no activity to report for the quarter. Submitting a metrics form, even with zero reporting, communicates to U.S. WIN that your chapter is still active.

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development (PD) Committee would like to stress how much U.S. WIN was able to accomplish in 2020. Despite the challenges associated with COVID-19, U.S. WIN pivoted and hosted a successful national conference on a new virtual platform, the PD committee programmed two PD tracks, and the Committee also held a well-attended and productive virtual “face to face” meeting after the national conference.

The PD committee is dedicated to creating content for U.S. WIN members that is timely and support continued learnings. This year, the PD committee’s two webinars met both of those objectives. The first webinar in March was on “Scenario Planning” and the second in April focused on the timely, “Work from Home Lessons Learned.” The Committee plans to hold our first webinar of 2021 on “Inclusive Diversity” on January 12 from 2:00-3:30 EST. Please visit the webinar or click the link here to register before the January 8, 2021 cut off.

Finally, we are very excited to update U.S. WIN members are a new Mentoring Pilot that we are planning to kick-off this year. The PD Committee has put a lot of time and energy into developing the Mentoring Pilot program to ensure it meets U.S. WIN members needs and facilitates productive mentorship. This 12-month long mentoring program will be the first of its kind for U.S. WIN and we hope it serves as a model mentoring program in the industry.

Thank you for all of your support this year, and we look forward to working with you all in 2021.

Members At-Large

The Members At-Large (MAL) Committee continues to look for more members at-large opportunities and increase our communications. The MAL committee has regional leads working on members at-large engagement. They are:

  • Jessica Walker, Jensen Hughes – Region 1
  • Leslie Douglas, NuScale – Region II
  • Holly Hernandez, Xcel Energy – Region III
  • Colette Clermont, Palo Verde – Region IV

A list of ways MALs can participate in U.S.WIN was published on U.S. WIN’s social media accounts.  In addition to the national and regional conferences, MALs were invited to participate in webinars hosted by the U.S. WIN Professional Development Committee, individual chapter events, book clubs, and other activities.

In 2021, look for quarterly emails to MALs providing feedback from leading group calls and highlighting upcoming activities and items of interest on the U.S. WIN website. If you are a member at-large and would like to be added to the committee email distribution list, email

Student Members

2020 has certainly been a challenging time for everyone, as much of our lives have moved to our homes and online. We recognize that students and recent graduates have been particularly challenged by the sudden and prolonged shift to remote learning and research. To all our student members, we want you to know that U.S. WIN sees you and is so impressed by your resilience and dedication right now. U.S. WIN is here to support you as you move through your degree and into the workforce, now and in the future.

Region Reports

Region I

Region I ended the year with virtual events in December that were open to all Region I members.  Dominion Energy – Millstone hosted this empowering and energizing workshop entitled, “Project Credibility & Confidence.” This session worked on non-verbal communication and how it can affect your credibility. The seminar examined how to improve your sub-textual conversation and project confidence especially when the stakes are high.  Additionally, after a long-year of working from home, PSEG hosted our end of year virtual close out event on “Working from Home with Confidence.”  Many U.S. WIN members turned on their cameras for this Zoom event so we could connect.

Region I is looking to host monthly virtual events in 2021 to keep us engaged and working on PD and networking as a region.  Region I members continue to leverage virtual platforms to perform public outreach in 2020 and used many of the resources in the U.S. WIN Outreach Library and the NAYGN website to support these activities.

Happy New Year U.S. WIN from Region I!

Region II

Region II had a successful 2020 despite the year’s challenges.  Our Region II conference in February was hosted by Duke Energy, and our chapters all transitioned to virtual events and were able to maintain engagement.  We’re looking to get a host for the 2021 conference that will probably be virtual.  Next year we want to focus on building more inter-chapter relationships and incorporating our Members at Large into our events.  Happy New Year from U. S. WIN Region II!

Region III

Region III would like to recognize the Purdue Student Chapter for hosting the first ever student hosted Region III conference. The Purdue Chapter successfully planned and programmed a wonderful virtual conference in the midst of the pandemic.

We would also like to recognize all the chapters within Region III that came up with creative ways to engage their members and continue public outreach efforts through virtual events. Some of the activities included: creating YouTube videos to provide public outreach on nuclear power, creating cards to send in the mail, virtual trivia hours, virtual cooking classes, and so much more. We look forward to continuing this creativity into 2021 and hope you all have a Happy New Year.

Region IV

Region IV would like to thank all the chapters who participated in our 2020 meetings, we look forward to more ways to connect in 2021. In 2021, Region IV will be participating in the U.S. WIN PD Mentoring Pilot Program.  We will provide our region with more information as it becomes available. Additionally, if you are interested in starting a U.S. WIN chapter in Region IV, please contact Coordinators Brenda Mills and Kath Kunz (emails are on the website). We can walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all good health and much happiness during the holiday season. Happy New Year.