Members of the LaSalle Station WIN chapter took Nuclear Science Week to some local schools. Members read “Marie’s Electric Adventure” to approximately 130 Seneca Grade School students on Tuesday, October 16. The book tells the story of a child that discovers how electricity and nuclear energy power the world. Members visited the Wilmington High School for its annual career/college day on Thursday, October 18. The day consisted of breakout sessions explaining the different types of careers at a nuclear station and the paths to those jobs. The venue also hosted an open house with an informational table on Exelon and LaSalle Station. This event reaches approximately 500 students.
Cathy Rathbun reads Marie’s Electric Adventure to students at Seneca Grade School.
Steve Larson and Adi Patel read Marie’s Electric Adventure to students at Seneca Grade School.
Steve Larson and Adi Patel read Marie’s Electric Adventure to students at Seneca Grade School.
Jackie Goulding, Ashley Hoover and Jacque Eckles discuss careers in nuclear energy with students from Wilmington High School.
Nikki Berry, Jacque Eckles, Amber Von Ruden, Jackie Goulding and Ashley Hoover shared their experiences and what actions to take to start a career in nuclear energy.