New Fields Added to Profiles in the U.S. WIN Member Database

As a part of U.S. WIN’s ongoing efforts to implement the new strategic objectives, new fields have been added to all profiles in the member directory. The goal of the updates to the member profiles is to enable better cross-functionality. Members have been able to search for any term in any field for the last several years, and the hope for adding these new fields is to encourage members to add more to their profiles to make it easier for others to find them. This is especially important given the recent growth in our professional development programs, like NEXT and GROW. These programs have boosted networking across the industry, and we want to support our members in their growth.

Three new fields have been added:

  1. Pronouns — this is a multi-select field with a few options to choose from.
  2. U.S. WIN Committee Participation — this a multi-select field listing all of the national U.S. WIN committees and planning committees for our mentorship programs.
  3. U.S. WIN Participation — this is a free field where you can list your chapter activities, your positions within your committee or region, U.S. WIN programs that you’ve participated in, etc. It will grow with you, so feel free to include as much as you want in this area.

Go to today to update your profile. Let us know if something is not working as expected or if you feel like something is missing. You can also update your summary at the top of the page, which can hold 99,999 characters. Only U.S. WIN members can see your profile, so be creative.

Thank you to the U.S. WIN Steering Committee and especially Lily Stuck for developing these ideas and supporting the Communications Committee in implementing them!