During the 2019 US WIN Convention in Chicago, Palo Verde reported out on their Operation Dream Job initiative and PSEG WIN instantly loved the idea. The PSEG WIN team reached out to Palo Verde to understand their program so that we could create something similar. PSEG WIN’s Summer of Confidence kicked off in June of 2020, and despite everything being remote, it was a huge success. Sessions were offered on Resume Writing, Interview Skills, Mock Interviews, LinkedIn, Working from Home, Mentoring, and Image Consultant tips. The details of the initiative are listed below.
Summer of Confidence – An inspired PSEG Nuclear WIN development and inclusivity initiative bridging a diverse assortment of business associates with unique backgrounds and professional perspectives.
Several PSEG Nuclear WIN members attended the 2019 U.S. WIN Conference, where Palo Verde WIN presented the “Operation Dream Job” program (mock interviews).
- The PSEG Nuclear team opted to adopt and expand upon the undertaking. Pam Earnest created the Summer of Confidence brand proposition.
- Performed a benchmarking with Palo Verde WIN in May to procure additional information and capture lessons learned.
- Coordinated a series of cross-functional planning meetings beginning in February and collaborated with PSEG Nuclear’s engaged and empowered EBRG network to crowdsource ideas.
- Offered a series of virtual, dynamic employee-focused events and workshops directly to the PSEG Nuclear organization, as well as the broader PSEG corporate structure.
- Backed by excellent support and buy-in from executive and senior-level leadership, in addition to communications and other services groups.
- Total of 340* unique participants across seven workshops and nine total events (does not include mock interview enrollments).
- Program optimizations currently in process, with a vision to establish as an annual institution
Reference the high-level timetable below:
- Three “Power Your Career” resume building workshops organized by highly qualified Human Resources business partners, including Sharon Rhoads (97 participants)
- “Work from Home – With Confidence” webinar (122 participants)
- WIN Mentoring Program (11 mentor/mentee pairs; 22 participants)
- Virtual outage job fair (10 participants)
- “Work from Home – With Confidence Part 2” webinar. Incorporated personal Predictive Index assessment; conducted by Deb Pool (49 participants)
- Educational LinkedIn webinar presented by Janice Luke and BJ Ayars (40 participants)
- Mock interviews via Zoom. Currently in final stages of matching employees with interviewers; 16 senior leaders are committed to the effort.
- Polished Professional Session – Provide tips on wardrobe essentials, what works and what doesn’t, looking your best in video conferences, etc.
PSEG WIN EC Members: Deb Pool – Executive Sponsor, Jackie Racer-DeSanctis – US WIN National Liaison, Nara Turner – Chair, BJ Ayars – Co-Chair, Emily Bauer – Professional Development Coordinator, Deb Tierno – Activities/Event Coordinator, Pam Earnest – Administrator.