Susan Korn is vice president of Nuclear Project Management for Exelon Generation and the chairwoman of U.S. Women in Nuclear.
As the chair of U.S. WIN, Susan has overseen the planning and organization of this year’s U.S. WIN Conference, which begins July 28 in Chicago. Exelon Generation is the host. More than 600 nuclear professionals from across the country are registered to attend – the largest attendance in the conference’s history. And this year’s conference marks the 20th anniversary of the U.S. WIN organization.
But no pressure.
Exelon Nuclear Communications sat down with Susan to ask her about her tenure as U.S. WIN Chair and how U.S. WIN has benefited her career.
Question: Why did you want to take a leadership role within U.S. WIN?
Korn: It was really an opportunity for me to expand my personal perspectives and network and to represent Exelon Nuclear at a different level.
Q: What’s been your most significant accomplishment as U.S. WIN Chair?
Korn: When I accepted the position as the Chair, it was part of a complete reorganization of U.S. WIN. That was truly a team effort. We needed to reconstitute the organization with a revised Charter, updated mission statement, new website, and we set up an Executive Advisory Council comprising of CNOs/CEOs from the industry.
Q: How has being part of U.S. WIN helped you in your career?
Korn: I joined U.S. WIN later in my career, and it has been such a great benefit to me. I have met the most amazing women – smart, ambitious, and with very diverse backgrounds. These women have become my inspiration, mentors and friends over the past several years.
Q: For others just getting started in the industry, what advice would you give them about U.S. WIN?
Korn: My advice would be to jump in and get involved in the areas of U.S. WIN that you are most passionate about. The three pillars of U.S. WIN are Professional Development, Networking, and Community Outreach and Education. U.S. WIN is aligned with the strategic direction of the industry, and we need new thinking and new energy to continue to move the organization forward in a way that continues to serve our members and leaders effectively. There are limitless opportunities to get involved at the local chapter and national levels.
Q: What is your vision of the future for Nuclear?
Korn: It’s a challenging time for Nuclear, and we’re working together to ensure the viability of the industry’s future. I am confident that we will get through the current challenges and that the future leaders of this industry – of whom many more will be women – will provide new thinking and innovate methods that will define the future of the nuclear industry. It will look and feel different than it is today, and that will be a good thing.
Susan Korn, Chair of U.S. Women in Nuclear and Region III Executive Sponsor